Thursday, February 5, 2009

Poor unloved blog

I have been seriously neglecting my blog lately. And, as it seems to be one of those days to just chill out in front of a tv or computer, I might as well make something useful out of it. It's cold here in Georgia, and in a effort to save money on our gas bill, we are keeping the thermostat at a brisk 64 degrees. In attempts to stay warm and moderately comfortable, I have stripped the blanket off the bed and cocooned myself in it with a space heater occasionally running at my feet. A space heater, you may say, defeats the entire idea of saving money because you are just spending it elsewhere. Well, yes and no, we are spending money on the electricity to run the space heater, but the space heater only has to make us warm, not the whole apartment. And I frequently turn it off once I am comfortable, thus saving more money! Woot!
In other news, I have discovered that Blizzard is being very very sneaky. You can try out their latest expansion on a ten day trial if you already have an account. BJ and I both have inactive accounts because, in another heroic effort to save money, we cancelled our subscriptions and save about $30 a month. So for me, the wow junkie who has not played in about 6 months, the ten day trial = heaven!!! From what I have seen of Northrend, and all the various new things that have come out, I am mightily impressed with Blizzard. This xpac is ten to twenty times better than the old burning crusade xpac, which, while new and interesting, definitely has its flaws. So yeah...the restart should be just about finished...Catch you later!

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