Sunday, December 28, 2008

Merry Christmas and Happy New year's resolutions!!!

Welcome back to my blog and a very merry Christmas to you all. I had an excellent holiday, with my most exciting present of a lovely red nintendo ds lite. It's all mine!!! *evil laugh. With additional gifts, like an awesome carrying case, and a totally sweet game, My Japanese Coach, and I having a great time with my Christmas presents. This pic was taken at my parents' home when we visited them a couple weeks before the holiday. Aren't we cute? I've been following my friend's blog and wondered to myself, "Why is her blog so much cooler than mine?" Thus I am becoming more involved with the options presented by blogger and experimenting with a few things. The pic at the top of the page is of my husband...well, his hands, on our wedding day. I gave him a pocket watch as a happy wedding present. The back of it was engraved, "For my love, on our wedding day." He likes it a lot. And I love the awesome picture that was taken of it. It's like art!
As the new year approaches, I feel like making a resolution. No, I will not do the I resolve myself to accomplish all the things I've always wanted to do just to crash and burn in a couple weeks from overexerting myself. I would like to make a different resolution. I would like to remember everyone I care about on their birthday, and I need your help. If you think I should need to remember the date, and chances are very high that I do, shoot me an email with the day and month of your birth. If all goes according to plan, this can become a habit and I can feel good knowing I remembered people on their birthdays. Wish me luck! I'm going to go play my ds now, it looks lonely.

Monday, December 22, 2008

I just saw this and thought it was really cool.

I just saw this online and thought it was really neat. That's a pit bull on the end, for those of you who don't know. One of the most misunderstood breeds, and discriminated against, that I know of. There are actually laws barring you from owning a pit bull of any variety, in certain cities or counties. What most people don't understand are the owners of the pits are usually at fault for overly aggressive dogs, and they would still have attacked and bitten someone whether they had been a pit, or german shepard, or a vicious pomeranian. There was an article a few years ago when a pomeranian mauled and killed an infant that is was left with in a room, the article then continued to talk about how dangerous pit bulls are, even though they were completely unrelated to what was going on. In most studies it is found that golden retrievers bite more often that pits do, but still...I could go on, but I do have to leave, and I would take forever talking about this.

OOO I made a fancy cake!

I made a fancy cake from the library cookbook I got called,
"How to be a domestic goddess." The cake I am holding is made with Nutella, and other cakey ingredients, like ground hazelnuts. I made the icing with heavy cream and chocolate, and those are whole, roasted hazelnuts, aka Filberts, on the top. It was delicious! However, I think the next time I make it, I will substitute Semi sweet chocolate for the dark chocolate. The bitterness was pretty subtle in the cake itself, but in the icing it was really strong. Like my pretty glass cake plate? That was a wedding gift. It has a sweet cover to go on top and looks really nice, and it keeps the cake really well too. Mom had a slice and said it was better than a sleeping pill, chocolate makes her sleepy, which is kind of funny considering I'm the only person I know who passes out when taking Pamprin. Eh...go figure. I had a good visit with my Mom this weekend. Yesterday we went and watched the snow queen. It was neat seeing it this far into the run, as things were more finished, and as always my puppets look awesome. Mom wanted some pictures of the pigeons after the show, the actresses who manipulated them brought them out for meet and greet. I got closer with the camera and as soon as they saw me, they turned both pigeons toward me and yelled, "Mommy, Mommy!!!" It was awesome. Now off to the movies! Woot!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

C'mon baby make it hurt so good

For those of you who are not aware, I love the sound of a violin, specifically in those really complicated celtic fiddle pieces. Hearing the devil went down to Georgia in elementary school started my lifelong adoration of this amazing instrument. My parents got me a violin for Christmas when I was in...high school? I think? Possibly a bit younger, and I took lessons with a friend of my mom's who had played for like 15 years. I never was very proficient. I was young enough to get easily frustrated with simple roadblocks, like keeping time and reading music. I had this method when I had to learn a new piece of music. I would memorize all the notes and parts to play so that when it came time to play for my teacher, I could just do it all from memory without really having to look at the music. My sight reading is terrible. And then she brought out the dreaded metronome. So I stopped trying for a while, always remembering how awesome the violin can sound in other people's hands. I never parted ways with my violin. It stayed in it's case, just waiting for the day when I would decide, ok, let's try this again. Ladies and gentlemen, that day is here. It occurs to me that as BJ and I want to settle ourselves here in Georgia, I have a much more stable living environment than I have had previously. Meaning I could get an actual teacher who is brave enough to offer lessons to adults, and keep that teacher until he or she retired! For someone who moves around frequently, this is a very exciting concept. I have been looking at the different music centers in the area and comparing rates. I'm looking for someone who has a lot of teaching experience, not just a lot of performance, who won't charge what they are probably worth to teach me to play the violin. In the meantime, as lessons cannot and will not take place until after I have secured employment and developed some sort of schedule, I have been researching what is available, for free, on the greatness that is, the internet. I found this awesome series by this teacher on youtube. He emphasizes frequently and often that his videos are just for clarification of technique, and should not replace a real teacher. I feel like, at this point, I don't "really" need to start over from scratch, so for now, clarification works very well for me! I was playing along to the video when I realized my violin had slipped out of tune, again. I got this handy little pitch pipe just for the violin, but I think it is a wee bit flat, at least on the D note. But that's ok, because I found a free violin tuner online where it will play the note that you click until you tell it to stop. See, I don't have to have a piano to tune my violin too! This morning I moved my chin rest to try and see how this different position feels. I like it much better because there is a lot less strain, but I am also remembering how much the violin hurts. My fingertips of my left hand are red, and a wee bit tender. You may think I've been playing too many video games, but it's all from pressing down strings on the fingerboard. Also my arm and shoulder are really tired from holding the violin up. *sigh, this will take some getting used to again. So, I sally forth, venturing into some aches and pains as I build up muscles, and learn new songs. I'm going to go play the twinkle off that little star! Charge!!!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Artistic out!!

I have just been cruising right along since the snow queen opened getting chores done, cleaning up the apartment, cooking actual meals with sides, doing the dishes in the sink, laundry, and now the bomb has been dropped. Clint, the awesome director for the snow queen gave my contact information to Michael, who heads the XPT over at the CPA. For those that don't speak acronym, allow me to explain. XPT = experimental puppet theatre. CPA = Center for Puppetry Arts. I have been invited to submit a proposal for a piece of puppetry performance lasting ten minutes or less. My brain has turned to jelly. The icky kind with strange unidentifiable chunks of fruit amorphously floating through space. It's not that I don't have time, the proposals aren't due until February, and the show isn't until May. The question is, how do I, Brittany, push the boundaries on contemporary puppet theatre, and make a show that's more about heart and meaning than pretty things moving. Please exscuse me, although I am exstatically excited, I must go find a paper bag to hyperventilate into.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Crossing tasks off my list! Woot!

First Christams hurdle has been crossed, well, I guess that was decorating, check, then there was shopping, check, then there was wrapping presents, double check, and finally the stockings. You may recall that I was making our Christmas stockings this year. I bought plain red felt stockings and embellished them with pieces of felt that I stitched down by hand. They look very cool. Next item of business, Christmas cards. I'm off!!!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Donation time!

BJ and I like to be charitable when we can, so this year we are making a Christmas tradition. I think, once a year at Christmas time, we will pick a charity to donate too. This year was toys for tots. The year before I pick Make a Wish, and next year, who knows? Maybe someone will get smart like the barnes and noble in Massachusetts. They had little christmas trees with ornaments on them. On each ornament was the name and age of a child in the state foster care system, along with what kind of things they liked. Mary and I picked out some kids, I picked one, she picked one, and then we picked a third to share. I was visiting her at the time, I think this was two or three years ago. When we checked out we got to sign bookplates to go into the books for the kids we picked out. I think that was one of the best Christmas oriented charities I have participated in, and I really enjoyed it. Another way to donate is of the body. BJ is always very good about going to the red cross to donate whenever he becomes eligible again. They just can't get enough of his O+ blood. I go along with him for moral support. I am not allowed to donate my blood because we lived in Germany during the restricted years. It's all those exotic german diseases I picked up, I am scarlet fever, yes very dangerous. Anyway it makes me a little sad. My blood is O- which is actually not as common as it could be. You could be any blood type at all and need a transfusion, and they could safely give you O-. My blood can go to anyone woo! I figured out a very strange phenomenon as well. As I watched them stick the large straw that they call a needle into my husband's arm, I felt a bit dizzy and kind of faint. This is odd because whenever I get shots or have blood drawn for tests, I am fine. I can watch the needle go in and everything. So if I feel faint at the sight of my husband getting stuck with a needle, imagine how I will feel when we have babies getting their immunizations. Sorry future children, future mommy may be passed out on the floor while you are crying.

The Snow Queen Opening

The Snow Queen opened last night and it was really fun for BJ and I to be back in an actual theatre, watching an actual play, even if it was children's theatre. It was GOOD children's theatre. And Clint, the best director I have worked for ever, gave me a sweet little goody bag as an opening night present with Lindt truffles in it...Love that man! I am enjoying the melty sweetness at this very moment. My puppets looked totally awesome. I need to get a copy of the publicity shots that were taken, but I did get this one of the reindeer during rehearsal. It looks pretty sweet I think. I really liked hanging out in the lobby after the show listening to different people talking. Here is how one of the conversations went...
"the crow was really nice, but I think the reindeer was my favorite."
"oh, but did you see the pigeons??" I giggled a bit. : ) BJ votes the deer as his favorite, and I am leaning that way. The pigeons are really cool, but I am also a big fan of my buddy the crow, so it's hard to pick. They're all my babies!!!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

O Christmas tree, o christmas little are your branches

There is an interesting phenomenon that happens when you get married in November. Your brain just kind of skips over the fact that there is still a holiday and you get uber excited about Christmas. BJ and I went to Target a while back and got a wee little faux tree which is actually really cute. It's about 3 feet high if you count the pointy bit at the top, but we are considering trimming that back. It looks a little silly. See, we even got our christmas presents all bought and wrapped and prettyfied. : ) I am still sewing away on our stockings, but mine is all done and it looks pretty sweet. In other news that puzzle that BJ and I got before the wedding and then barely paid attention to? We finished it. Yesterday. WOOT!
That is a coaster in the background, so you get some idea of how big it actually ended up being. We thought about taking it apart and putting it back into the box, but in the interest of self preservation, I think we are going to glue it all together and hang it somewhere so it can look pretty. Maybe in the bathroom...That might be kind of nice. We also have to hang up the pictures from the wedding and the guest plates which all look great. And yes, I still have to put together my wedding album. I don't have all of the pictures yet, but maybe I will just put it together and add in a page or two when I get the rest. Yeah, I think that will do it.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thanksgiving was awesome!

As the header says, Thanksgiving was awesome! My brother in law got to be home with his family for the holiday and is feeling better, I made an awesome sweet potato casserole, and we had a lot of fun at BJ's mom's house. It feels wierd to think of her as the mother in law. She was making Thanksgiving lunch for all the people's in her house, so BJ and I came too and brought the sweet potato casserole and a bottle of champagne. If you got to try the sweet bubbly at my wedding, it was the same thing. I like that particular brand. And, unlike wine, I can drink a whole glass without losing all cognitive thought. Wine goes straight to my head after a few sips. I was the camera monster for the holiday. I realized how many awesome and amazing pictures I have from the wedding and am putting together a sweet scrapbook of all the pics. So I decided to take pictures and make other scrapbooks too, sort of to chronicle our lives together now that we are married. I don't have a lot of pictures from before the wedding. I think it comes from a combination of being camera shy and lazy. *sorry Mom* I took over 60 pictures. I'm trying to figure out how my sister Nicki does it. She's very unobtrusive and she takes some really awesome pictures. She gave me a couple right after the wedding which were awesome, and I'm waiting...patiently I see the rest. : ) Anyhows...Check these pictures out.

I took this one in the car while I was waiting for BJ to come back out. We had to turn around and go back because we forgot the champagne.
BJ and Roxana lauging at Eric's joke.
Eric lauging at BJ's joke.
Vanessa, Roxana, and Eric being a smart alec in the background...stinker.
I watched a Thanksgiving special episode on take home chef where he showed everyone how to carve a bird so as to leave behind as little meat as possible. So when Sonya yelled out, "Who wants to carve the turkey!?" I volunteered and tested my television education. It worked remarkably well, I was very happy and impressed by it. The meat pulled away from the bone and all I left behind me were the bones! GO ME!
Now I am working on my holiday projects. Since it is our first Christmas as married folk, and BJ and I don't have any stockings, I am making our stockings! They will be very americana craft / homemade look in their design. I promise there will be pictures when I am finished. I am fine tuning the puppets for the snow queen now. Add a feather here, glue a bit of felt there. We open on Friday!!!! Production shots of the sweet puppets I built are to come, promise!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

No really, I still my mind!

I promise I did not abandon my blog. I just pushed down the hold button and promised to come back to it, eventually...Get ready for some loading time because I got some pictures to show you. See there ---> That is my spiffy new haircut, I like it a lot, it's very flattering, but also very different. It's been a while since my hair has been this short, so I think it may take some readjusting to my new "look." I've been busy busy busy with The Snow Queen and her puppets, plus writing my thank you notes, I've got one more to finish and then I am DONE! Woot! Here is a cool shot of the reindeer just chilling on the couch.
Isn't he just the cutest little reindeer headdress thingamajig? The four pigeons also came out really nicely, but I still have to take a picture of them. I really need to remember, the camera is my friend, the camera is my friend, the, I want cocoa. Please excuse me!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Married woman, that's me

Well everybody, this weekend, I got married to the most wonderful husband in the world. It still feels a little funny to say, hi I'm Brittany Garmon, I keep thinking I'm saying something wrong, like it's someone else's name, but I like it. : ) BJ and I went to the store and used our gift money on new plates and the like, and now we have a lot of sweet towels. Therefore if you come to visit, you do not have to pack a towel anymore. WooHoo! And, the best present of all, aside from the awesome dragon and gargoyle stuff and the skull cookie jar, my brand spanking new kitchenaid stand mixer *hug!* I got some really cool stuff, hung out with a lot of awesome people, and realized once more just how AWESOME our friends are. The whole weekend people were just finding me or BJ "What can I do?" I loved every bit of it, well, except for the florist. I didn't love the florist. *Sigh, I must go vote, and then build puppets, and then if I am really really good later, I can play with some more of the awesome wedding pictures that people have already sent to me. Pictures to come!!!
Mrs. Brittany J. Garmon

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Picture of awesome!

I loved seeing this picture. It made my day!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Mental Meltdown

AHHHHHHHHH!!! It is a week and two days until BJ and I get married. I'm tearing around, cleaning in preparation of visitors, finishing last minute details, attempting to corral my florist, and making sure everyone get paid, and BJ is a marvelous help. I am so happy and so proud of the man I am going to marry. *happy contented sigh... And I am losing all processes of cognitive thought. Please forgive!!!! I must go do something weddingish...or possibly play with a puzzle, whichever happens first.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Mmmm cardboard cereal

Ta da!! New Post! I have this cereal, Heart to Heart by Kashi, and I think it's awesome. It has fiber to help reduce cholesterol, it has antioxidants to help support healthy arteries, it has nothing artificial, and low sodium to promote healthy blood pressure, and it's made with both green and white tea extracts. It's a cruncy cereal, very lightly sweetened, and I will often chow down on a bowl as a tasty snack. At $3 for a 12 oz box, it's kind of expensive for daily chow dowingness. I really like the subtlety of the flavor, and I tried to share this tasty cereal with my friend Mary. She promptly informed me it tasted like cardboard. I say, yum yum cardboard! Kix is another one of those cereals with a certain cardboardy taste and just a little sugar, and I like that one too. If it had any nutritional benefit, maybe I could eat cardboard. In the meantime though, I'm going to stick with my tasty cereal. I love my kashi. *Hugging the box

Monday, October 6, 2008


I present to you, flashback of the day!!! I found seasons 1-3 and I am so excited. I always liked Gummi Bears when I was a little kid. Not to sound like an old lady, but I always liked the stories of the old cartoons. Gargoyles, Gummi Bears, Tail Spin, even Rainbow Bright followed a progressive story line. A lot of cartoons now seem to have stand alone episodes, which is good if you miss a day, but it also is easy to lose interest. Oh the good old days... LOL

Sunday, October 5, 2008

How to bond with a 10 year old

BJ has been really really busy over at the Halloween store, and we both felt like Eric needed to get his hair trimmed sooner rather than later. So, on Saturday I went over and picked Eric up and took him to have his hair cut. After promising that I would not let the lady cut off all his hair, which I had to promise many times, he allowed his hair to be cut. She took off an inch or two and put in some layers, so now he has a nice, skater boy look rather than the mullet he was trying to grow out earlier. I can tell he's happy with it. As a reward we went to Chik-fil-a for lunch, yum! I have always found it harder to talk to a kid who is a little shy. The conversation feels forced. The usual, "how was school?" get the usual shrug. But this time, I was feeling inspired. I asked him what he did in gym class. He looked at me for a second, like this was an extremely odd topic of conversation and told me he did a lot of running. I told him about my favorite times in gym when I was a kid, playing with the giant parachute on rainy days when we had to stay inside, and suddenly he was really engaged in conversation. He was asking questions, he was answering in full sentences and expanding on answers, it was awesome. We came home and played Wii Sports. I whipped him at baseball and then he won golf, tennis...boxing...well, you get the idea. We had a really good time together. Then we watched I am Legend, awesome movie that it is. He liked it, but some of the more subtle things he didn't understand, and he wasn't afraid to ask me. Then we watched IRON MAN, which is, of course, an awesome, awesome movie. I love it!!! I had a really good weekend. I am mostly over my cold, and I got some good bonding time with my soon to be brother in law. Oh, and the hairdresser, totally thought I was Eric's mom. We both thought that was funny.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Stuff to do...lots of stuff to do!!!

Ah Wednesday, my favorite day of the week. Tonight there will be a new episode of Bones and I will be happy for a little while until I am waiting and wishing for next Wednesday. I used to look forward to Monday when House came on on Mondays, but now House is on Tuesday along with Eureka, which has decided to take a mid season break...I am very unhappy about the midseason break. Eureka is in season number 3, and for those of you that don't watch Eureka, start with the pilot in season 1 and work your way up. It's a great show. My to do list is piling up. I have a lot of errands to go run today, like ordering the wedding cake, and cookies, get my florist on the phone, which might be difficult. She has not emailed, called, returned any of my calls or messages, or answered the phone, in a couple of months. Now that we are OFFICIALLY ONE MONTH FROM THE WEDDING...I'm a little concerned. While it would be disappointing to go to a grocery store and build my own bouquet from their selection of flowers, I am not afraid to do it. I just wish she would freaking answer the phone and stop stressing me out! *deep breath... I feel kinda like static cling cat.
Hee hee hee, statik kling cat... BJ has recently picked up a seasonal job working in a Halloween store. He started off just as a regular sales associate, and while helping set up a store in Roswell, was promoted to first assistant manager. Now the store manager has a family emergency, and BJ has been put in charge of the store by the district manager until the store manager is able to come back to work. And this is his very first job in retail...I'm so proud. I am not, however, a big fan of his having to be at work at 8am, because that means he has to get up at 7am, and for some reason I have been finding it impossible to go back to sleep after he leaves for work. I frequently call him just after his truck pulls away from the apartment and we chat on his drive to work. Today, I closed my eyes after I got my goodbye kiss, and when I opened them again, it was almost 8am. I had finally gone back to sleep!!! So I called BJ, because it wasn't yet 8 o'clock, and we talked while he walked around the store looking at the merchandise he still needed to unpack. He was the first one there this morning. And he says, "hm, that was either a rat or a squirrel..." and I go "What??" He saw something small and furry dash behind a pile of boxes and wasn't sure if it was a rat or a squirrel. He said he thought it had a squirrel tail, but he wasn't entirely sure. Brave and valiant man he is, he decided to investigate. It turned out to be a very small, and very frightened baby squirrel. I'd be scared too if I had gotten locked in a Halloween store overnight. They have to leave the doors to the store open while they are working on account of there is no air conditioning...Ewww. BJ tried to steer it toward the open doors, but it was just running back and forth trying to evade the giant man thing chasing it. He left it to find it's way out, and I suggested he warn the other girls working with him of the newest employee. Hee hee. So, it's 8:37 where I am. I am a little sluggish but not enough to go back to bed, and there's stuff to do!! I'm late, I'm late, for a very important date. No time to say hello, goodbye! I'm late, I'm late, I'm late!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Worst day EVER

Today is Friday. Normally I would be like, "yeah Friday woo hoo, we get to watch a new stargate atlantis!" But not today. Today I have to go into Atlanta to measure an actor for the Snow Queen. I have the same actor playing both the crow and the reindeer = terribly convenient. I'm not entirely sure what is changing in the script to allow this as both the reindeer and the crow are in the same room at one point, but we shall see. One fun factoid I found out about...It is illegal to purchase and part of a migratory bird. So when I tried to google crow feathers to see if I could buy actual crow feathers, I found all these pages telling me how illegal it is. Sadness. I did however find some very nice looking rooster feathers that have already been dyed, so they should do rather well. And talking about puppets is making me feel better...irony of life.
I go out to my car to drop off BJ's paperwork and see the state of my vehicle. One problem with the way people are around this building, they like to drive their cars, on the grass, so they can unload groceries in front of the door instead of in the parking lot which is only 15 feet away. There are children who like to run and play kickball and throw dirt at each other. Thus all the grass is dead and the red georgia clay has turned into a fine layer of dusty dirt and completely coated my car. I have thought, many times, of washing my car, but knew it would be just as dirty in a matter of hours parked at my apartment. So, you can imagine my dismay, when some of the aforementioned children decided to DRAW in the dirt on my hood. No they did not draw rainbows, or flowers, or happy faces, or even the typical "wash me" that seems to befall many many vehicles. They drew words. Word like Fu** and A** and bicth. Yes, they spelled it bicth. Thus I know it was children. Plus the handwriting was indicative of a young child. While this was both hurtful and upsetting, I also know it was nothing personal. The a**hole little children are unsupervised by overworked parents and probably did it for the great fun they had. The only problem with children being children, is when you draw in the dirt on someone's car, there are very fine little pieces of rock in the dirt on someone's car. You might as well just key the damn car and be done with it. So, I took a napkin, knowing that these obscenities were already scratched into my hood, and rubbed over them. I would rather have a squigly mess than swear words. I took my car to a car wash, and had it cleaned. I can still see the swear words, because I know where they were I can pick them out, but it's definitely going to stay a part of my car until I have it traded, or repainted.
And then...oh yes, there's more...I went to Duluth and dropped of BJ's paperwork. I had a quarter tank of gas left and decided on my way toward home, I would stop and fill up. I preceeded to drive around, with the help of my handy GPS looking for gas, to more than 15 different gas stations. They were all bone dry. At least some of them would take down the price numbers, because then you could tell from the road that they were out of gas. Some of them left their numbers up and put brightly colored bags over their pumps. Some of them said they were out of gas on small pieces of paper taped to the pumps, and one said they were out of premium and mid grade. It turns out that station was also out of regular. After driving for more than an hour and a half, from Duluth into Norcross, I found a station flooded with cars and got in line. I finally got to a pump that only had regular, which my car will be angry about because she requires mid grade at minimum, and saw a nice little paper sign, NO CREDIT, CASH ONLY. Thank God I had $30 in my wallet. Otherwise I would have had to push my car home. So now, I'm home, I'm cranky, I have obscenities scratched into the hood of my car, and it's not even 2:30pm. Maybe I should go back to talking about the snow queen...Hopefully this will be my only post of the day, because if I post again, I may just have to kill something...

Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Snow Queen!

My apologies at my recent lack of posting and stuff. I got a call a couple of days ago asking if I might be interested in designing and building the PUPPETS for the Snow Queen to be put on by a theatre here in Atlanta. My response...OH YEAH!!! So I have been feverishly doodling and watching youtube videos and googling research. I love it. I am building a very realistic crow, 4 pigeons, and 1 reindeer head piece that will be kind of like a sculpture. You know what this means, right? My blog will be consumed by all things puppety and snow queenie and stuff! I am very excited and very happy to be doing this project. Stay tuned for process shots. I still have to be buying materials, but as soon as I get them, WATCH OUT! Cause there will be puppets invading your movie screen. WOO!!!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Watch it, love it, have a Coke!

Today is, Thursday. The youtube video of the day can be found by going to and looking for the video of ninjacat. Seriously, it made me laugh. I just wish they could have added sound, then it would have been awesome! I determined recently that, since my friend is learning Japanese I will also learn Japanese and we can help each other. I am currently playing with the Pimsleur system, and it's pretty cool. I'm talking in Japanese and asking my computer how it's doing. : )

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Tuesday Movie Madness Extravaganza Thing!

Today is Tuesday...bombombom!!! BJ and I have been kicked back watching movies allllllllllllll day, except for that one episode of Lois and Clark we watched with breakfast this morning. We watched some scary movies, some creepy movies, some funny movies, and a lousy movie that was suppossed to be really scarey. I wanted to blog and tell you about the ones that I liked, and even the one that I didn't. Please exscuse the vocabulary and sentence structure, my brain feels a little squishy after watching the tv all day.

Batman: The Dark Knight : Very good flick. Very LONG flick. Although it felt like they were not in a rush to tell the story, it was definitely one of "those" movies where you could tell the passage of time. Don't get me wrong. I am a big LOTR fan of those movies. They always had the unique ability to absorb my full attention so that I didn't even know I had just sat there for 3 and a 1/2 hours straight. All in all, good film, but the pacing felt a wee bit off.

Open Water : Based on a true story about a couple who was left behind in the ocean. You can believe I am never going scuba diving after watching this one. I might consider snorkeling given the appropriate stimulii, but with my intense fear of sharks, I would be better off just going to the aquarium. Very well made movie on the shoestring of a budget. I have no idea how they did some of the very complicated filming and I am highly impressed. And never going scuba diving...ever. (at least not without a waterproof sattelite phone, a bottle of water, and a compass.)

Be Kind Rewind : Suprisingly fun and engaging. Not a whole lot of emphasis on Jack Black in this one, so his tendency to act "Jack Black" is somewhat diluted with the other folks in the film. Check it out, it's really cute. And it made me mad at Sigourney Weaver. After seeing her in baby mama it's got me wondering where she'll pop up next. Kudos to her working in big films again, but she was always my favorite in the aliens movie facing down the queen.

Day of the Dead : A remake of the Romero original, which I have not seen, but I am cool with. I just can't seem to find a zombie movie as poignant or strikingly terrifying as Dawn of the Dead. Of course the 28 days later and 28 weeks later rank incredibly high on list of fav. zombie films. End result, watch it if you feel like getting creeped out by zombies doing the "zombie thing," but don't get your hopes up for superb quality of zombie lore.

Seed : This one got two thumbs, and two big toes, DOWN! Anytime I feel like rolling over and going to sleep during a horror movie, there is something seriously wrong. I mean seriously! The logic the good guys were using made absolutely no sense. There was a lot of blood and gore, but effects don't always carry the movie when you introduce a confusing rag tag team of characters who plotted against the serial killer, get me confused as to who exactly is being killed because I know I have seen that character but I just can't recall who he is, and making very little linear sense. BLECH!!!

Some flicks we watched yesterday or very recently...

Mr Brooks : Oh this movie was just beautiful. It was funny, there was death involved. Kevin Costner was positively brilliant. Gotta say, the daughter was completely transparent to me, and I am not always swift on the uptake. I had sneaking suspicions about her that were confirmed waaaaaaaay into the movie. If you feel like watching a guy kill people who hates himself for doing it but just can't bring himself to stop, check this one out, it was sweet. I wasn't sold on Demi Moore's character struggle, but I don't think they developed it enough. It ended up feeling like to conflicting plotlines uncomfortably squeezed into the same space. You know, like construction where the lane narrows and you're stuck behind a slow driver, sandwiched uncomfortably between a semi and a concrete barrier. That being said, Kevin Costner and William Hurt were impeccable.

3:10 to Yuma : A little slow starting out. I felt the awkwardness between the characters and felt it settle as their relationships developed. It was just beautiful at the end. 500 points for this one!

There were others that we watched, but none of them were exciting enough to win a place in this blog. To Nim's Island, Kung Fu Panda, and the others, don't hate me, you were just fine. Seed was just bad enough to get in here so I could talk about how bad it was. Ta ta for now! I think we are going to watch Stargate Continuum. Maybe...

Monday, September 15, 2008

Japanese Candy, Adsense, and Assasin's Creed

What do these three things have in common? ME!!! BJ and I took his younger siblings over to Super H Mart to check out the hello kitty fun stuff, and I decided to try a new and exciting Japanese Candy. Ta DAH! I have no idea what it is called, but it is very tasty. Creamy strawberry taste on top with a nice chocolate layer on the bottom. There are a couple of them in front of the box right there. Off to the left you may see those peppermints hanging out, they are normal size, so that should give you some sense of scale.
Adsense is this nifty program I use that puts those little ads you see on the right side of the page. By clicking on them, adsense gives me a very small amount of money each time. So click those ads people! If you don't mind. : ) They are safe, according to google, and I had to promise not to click on my own ads, because that is cheating.
Assasin's creed is this awesome game I've been eyeballing at Gamestop since it was released. Well, I got it, and it's awesome. BJ is a little disappointed because his processor doesn't meet the minimum requirements, while mine totally does. He may be experiencing a little computer envy, but don't tell him I said so. Love you honey! (He reads my blog too.) So the idea of this game is you are delving into the genetic memory of this old school assasin's decendent. There are Templar Knights running around, and we all know that they were kind of jerks. The people who developed the memory machine are trying to find something. I don't know what yet, but they are convinced it can be found by tapping into the stored memories and it's pretty sweet. So, now you know what my day has been like. And I am kind of avoiding the whole foreign language debate until I get a clearer idea of what I want. I know I want to be a polygot (person who speaks multiple languages) but the question is where to start. Ah well, back to my game, and looking sady at my empty candy box.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Oh, Indecision, release me from thy bonds!

Dramatic posting title, I know! But I am feeling dramatic, so I feel it suits my purposes. I love foreign languages. I love english, I love books. I love to read. The thought of reading books in other languages, especially the really poetic ones, makes me tremble with barely suppressed delight. Here then is the problem.
I used to be good at Spanish. I mean really really good. I could walk by hispanic people at the store and completely understand what they were talking about. This was at least 4 or so years ago. Now I don't know that I can really put together much of a sentence.
I love German. I lived in Germany as a little girl for four years with my parents, and when I hear German spoken to me, a lot of the time I can kind of figure out what is being said. I really liked a lot of the trips we took in Germany and would someday like to go back. The classes I took in German longsword were amazing, and mostly taken from the really really old GERMAN texts by the swordmasters.
I really like Japanese. I love manga and watching anime, and the fact that I could get japanese manga and understand what is going on is just mind boggling. One of my best gal pals is currently teaching herself Japanese, so how convenient would it be to try and learn at the same time, bouncing things off one another? I want to be able to write kanji in a notebook because I think they are beautiful, and should I get the option to learn Japanese calligraphy, that would just be sweet.
I love opera. The sweeping arias, the throaty baritones, the music filling the space in my head and heart as romantic tragedies befall our heroes. Many operas are written in Italian. One of my favorite foreign films, Life is Beautiful, in Italian. Do you see where I am going with this?
So the question I relearn Spanish? What do I learn after that? Can I handle knowing multiple languages? Am I just wasting time? Will I ever get a nintendo ds lite in electric blue...*sigh
I think the game systems that UBIsoft is coming out with are brilliant. My spanish coach, my japanese coach, my word coach, my sat coach (not that I need that particular one.) I want a ds, bad. I want some of these awesome coach games but they don't have a lot of selection yet. The titles currently or soon to be available cover, English, Japanese, Chinese (Mandarin), Spanish, and French. I keep hoping they will make German and Italian coaches, but I still have that quandry of what to learn first. HELP!!! Comment on what you think! German, Spanish, Japanese, Italian?

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Hair on TRIAL!!!!

Today I had the fun adventure of going to a hair trial. I am going to try really really hard not to make this a post about how the wedding industry is ripping off brides at what should be one of the happiest times of their lives. Really. My hair came out very pretty, but I didn't get a hold of my camera until about six hours after the fact. A lot of the curls have stretched a bit, but a lot of them are also still holding their shape. Behold the pretty pictures!!
Now if you will excuse me, I'm going to go talk to someone else about the fact that I had to pay someone $60 to do this very simple style, and how she was the most reasonable.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Just Blowing Hot Air

I have decently long hair. It's nothing overly strenuous for me to deal with my hair. I wash it, I let it dry, I put it in a ponytail and we are both happy until the next shampoo. Unfortunately, my hair looks really really good when I blow dry it. You may wonder why that is unfortunate? It takes at least 30 minutes to do it right, and as someone who doesn't feel like putting products in my hair or on my face every single day, that is a long time. Plus, I get sweaty when I blow dry my hair. Maybe it's just the passage of hot air and the fact that I just got out of the shower, but I just feel a little unclean, which totally defeats the purpose of the shower I JUST TOOK. *Sigh If my hair only looked, eh, when I dried it, this wouldn't be much of an issue. But I got one of those whopdedo ionizing hair dryers and my hair comes out nice and straight with a little body but not too much. You try getting used to dealing with your hair down when 90% of the time it's in a ponytail. I'm thinking that after the wedding, I may be due for a trim. After all, if I can find a nice, not so long hair style then it wouldn't take so long to dry, and I might actually like drying my hair. Or I may just fall back into the viscious cycle of putting it in a ponytail.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

New type of memoir?

So I have become a little over interested in Japanese food, and bento, and sticky rice, and onigiri, and if I had a deep frier, I would have tried to make egg rolls by now too. I want to make myself bento style luches, and I thought if I get good at it, I can make them for future children. But then I was thinking, how is a kid going to feel about a japanese packed lunch when they are totally not Japanese? I got this book from the library. It's considered a food memoir. I have never read a food memoir before, unless Chocolat counts, but I am pretty sure that it does not. This girl is explaining her childhood mostly by the impact of food and eating habits. It's pretty darn cool. At the end of each chapter, it provides a recipe for some food dish that played a major role in that chapter; just what I need to try some new things out!! Bento Box in the Heartland My Japanese Girlhood in Whitebread America by Linda Furiya. It's pretty cool. Check it out, but be warned, it will make you HUNGRY!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Curses on Nickelodeon too!

I've been watching this show, Avatar the last airbender. It's on Nickelodeon and I'm not entirely sure if Nickelodeon makes it or if they bought it from an anime company. The episodes are on Nickelodeon, and it's a really freaking good show! SPOILER ALERT! So Apa, the flying byson, gets separated from Ang, the avatar. I'm feeling for the avatar who has lost his companion pet, and it made me really freaking sad. Then they had an episode of what happened to Apa while they were apart was really intense. I teared up, I know I'm a sap when it comes to sad stuff, but I just couldn't help it. The older I get the more sentimental I become about sad things. I used to not cry at all. I watched Lion King in movie theaters as a kid, not even a sniffle when Mufasa died. Myabe it's because the older I get the more experiences I can relate to personally. No, I have never had a flying bison get kidnapped by sand bandits, but who can't relate to the loss of a pet, or a loved one for that matter. This is a very poignant show, especially for a cartoon. I miss having pets, but pets just aren't all that suited to apartment life. Oh well, back to more Avatar. Eventually they'll find Apa, I'm sure of it. How many tissues I'll burn through in the meantime is another matter completely.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Please Sir, May I have some ice cream?

I think the hardest part of being sick is what you are not allowed to eat. I am totally a dairy girl. I love milk, cheese, yogurt, you get the picture. Unfortunately when you are sick, dairy = phlegm. And really, no one wants to encourage the growth of that nasty stuff. Plus I must applaud the use of a humidifier. I definitely think it helped with the vicks vapomist added in. Although, buyer beware, when it stops running about 4am, I tend to wake up due to the lack of sound. However, that might just be solved by getting a larger capacity humidifier, or I could just learn to accept it. I think it's early onset maternal instincts developing. My mom once told me she always knew when we were doing something bad, because it would get so quiet. : ) I don't care if you think it looks silly, I love this awesome little unit that looks like a dragon...kinda. Isn't it just the cutest little humidifier ever?! I just might have to get one of these. You know, when I have time for fun and frivolous things. Ta ta for now! I've got stuff to do!!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Curses upon ye pitiful exscuses for antibodies

It's official. I have caught BJ's cold. I feel icky. We borrowed a humidifier from BJ's mom and ran it last night. It does not last 10-14 hours like it claimed; more like 7. But, it is very effective when you add in the Vick's Vaposteam. Tonight we'll be putting it to work again. Please excuse me. I must go find a tissue...*AchOO

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Ladies and Gentlemen, you are entering the Twilight Zone

Cue scary do do do do do do do...You have entered the Twilight Zone. You may have noticed I was on a bit of a roll there for a couple days, blogging daily even! Woot! I unfortunately missed yesterday, for which I will explain, but feel it is necessary to share the strangeness that has befallen our humble apartment. Some of you may not understand the enormity of such a statement. My fiance', with the immune system of steel, is sick. Coughing, sneezing, runny nose, fever; and I....*knock on wood* feel fine. Normally BJ's immune system mocks the presence of germs, while mine shuts down the store at the drop of a hat. And, I feel fine. This is SO weird! In our almost 3 years together, he has barely had more than the sniffles twice. And now my poor baby is sick. : (
So, yesterday I sat on the couch and played Okami on the Wii for several hours. I am a total of 15 hours of gameplay into it, and I still have yet to learn all the different brushstrokes. It's such an awesome game. In other exciting news I went grocery shopping at Super Target, yes, we are so cool we have Super Target. I found a two tier bamboo steamer, on clearance, 10" diameter, for $9.98. WOOHOO! I've got some sticky rice soaking as I blog. We shall see how this turns out. Onigiri photos to come!!!! *Hopefully.

Friday, August 29, 2008


Chkersht...nothing sounds quite as refreshing as that sound when you crack open a can of coca-cola. Some may prefer the hiss of a soda bottle, but I know, the taste from an aluminum can cannot be rivaled by any, except maybe a glass bottle. Ahh...I deserve it too. BJ and I have been pulling up rotten planks from his Grandma's porch and replacing them with new ones. I didn't even work this hard at Busch Gardens, so this is very tiring work. Don't believe me? You try pulling 15 plus year old wood with rusty nails out. By the way, it's rotten wood because it never got sealed after it was pressure washed a few years ago, and because of the position of the shade trees, if it rains, the water just sits there. Icky. Why would I divert myself in the summer sun you may ask? Well, she is being very kind and paying not only for materials, but also paying us for work. Now I think she might want us to re-roof her shed. We'll see how that goes.
Last night brought about the fun and exciting experiment with the sweet / sticky rice.
Ta dah!!! I made an onigiri! It stuck together really really well, but there was a whole lot of pasty starch type stuff, so I think maybe I should soak the rice before I cook it. Plus I think the customary cooking method for sticky rice may be to steam it, but I am not terribly sure. I didn't get brave enough to add some seaweed to it though. I was to make sure I am cooking the rice correctly before I up and change things around. It was fun! But it didn't really taste all that great, another reason I don't think I cooked it right. By the way, they don't call it sticky rice for nothing! Now I have to figure out if I am willing to buy one of those awesome rice cookers by Zojurishi
that has a built in timer and clock setting. So instead of waking up to the smell of coffee, I could wake up to a fresh breakfast of rice, or porridge. I wonder what porridge tastes like anyway. I've never had it...This may call for another food experiment. Watch out world I'm feeling adventurous! Maybe I should get some sort of costume for my alter ego, adventurous food lady!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

My Asian Market Adventure

For those of you who have not had the pleasure of international heart weeps for you. Yesterday I found some addresses for Asian markets in our little area of Georgia. We couldn't find the first store, it was a sushi bar instead, so maybe that address was not so current. We then went to the international farmers' market, which looked kind of abandoned. A lot of the shelves were empty, even in the cooler section. But, as we got toward the back, there were some more products. A lot of them were random, and there were lots of preserved duck eggs in the Japanese section. I, unfortunately, was looking for quail eggs in a can. So, we left empty-handed. Then we went to the Atlanta Chinatown mall; surely I would find a bento there. Nope. We did find a neat grocery store though. I got some chocolate pocky, and BJ got some strawberry pocky. Hence the fun pictures. I also bought a sheet of seaweed to try. See, bento makes me want to try new things! The grocery store was really packed full, but I didn't like the vibe; I felt kind of like an invader. So we went to our fourth and final Asian market, Super H Mart. It was really cool in there. Everything was nicely laid out, I could find things because they had both English and Japanese on the signs. This was where I found quail eggs in a can and some bento sets, but I didn't really like the selection. At last, success! It was a nice store and also the people working there were friendly. I even saw some more white invaders like myself buying some stuff. It was both fun and exciting. And the candy selection...! It was really cool. There were so many different things to choose from. BJ picked up a baby ruth, but I had to be adventurous, so I got some new Japanese chocolaty stuff. See, I took a picture for you.
They are really shaped like fun little mushrooms, and it's the same kind of thing as the pocky. The stem is that semisweet cracker biscuit type thing, but the top is like a mixture between chocolate with just a little bit of caramel. It's lovely. You can see the little color division on the box and on the candy to let you know there is a little something extra in there. One of the things I like about the Japanese chocolate I have had is that the taste is always very subtle, not very "in your face with chocolaty goodness!" And of course, I imagine all of you are just waiting with baited breath to see just what quail eggs in a can actually look like. Ta dah! That is a nickel on the right next to
one of the quail eggs. I opened up the container and dumped it into a glad container that I could keep in the fridge. I read on a website even though they are already hardboiled, you can chuck them back in boiling water for five minutes to enhance the flavor. I tried one cold last night and it was pretty good. It was actually a lot like a boiled egg; the taste was just slightly different. So I can't wait to see what these suckers taste like actually cooked. I know many of you are checking to see if you have a fever as my willingness to try new things must be a delusion brought on by serious illness. Another thing that I was looking for was something called sticky rice. Apparently it's the best kind of rice to use to make onigiri, aka rice balls, and I couldn't find anything that said sticky rice. BJ and I decided to try it with something called sweet rice, and after a happy internet search I found an alternate name for sticky rice is...SWEET RICE! I am thrilled. The basmati rice I tried it with the other day was a total bust, so now I just need to try the sweet and see how it goes. We also saw this awesome BLACK rice at the supermarket. It's also referred to as forbidden rice *convenient ominous laugh.* It has a black-brown color uncooked and darkens to a purple black when cooked and can be use to make...ONIGIRI! Stay posted. On our next episode of Scatterbrained daydreams, I just might have some onigiri photos. Or maybe the post after that...I might get busy... Later!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Bento vs. Bridezilla...Tokyo Smash!!

I've been watching this super cute, warm fuzzy anime lately. Aishteruze Baby! You can watch it for free at anime crazy, just follow the link. It's a story about this lady with this super cute 5 year old daughter. After her husband dies (unexpectedly) she finds she just doesn't have the courage to grieve for her husband and still be able to raise her daughter, Yuzuyu. So she leaves her, and another family member takes Yuzu over to the Katakura house, the mother's side of that family. Kippei, the high schooler, is charged with taking care of Yuzu, which means packing her a lunch, or Bento, everyday for Kindergarten. You can blame this show for getting me so interested in Bento, or the Japanese Packed Lunch. It would show the whole room of Kindergartners' with all their different bentos, and most of them were beautifully packed with kid friendly foods in very fun shapes. The brilliance struck me instantly. I was an incredibly picky eater, and sometimes revert to that obstinate side of myself, and it was almost impossible for my parents to get me to eat anything except peanut butter and jelly without a lot of fussing and tears. The bento shapes all the different foods into fun faces or shapes like stars, and I am now fascinated with the idea of making onigiri and attaching uemboshi. There are some foods that I don't particularly like, but because of the presentation, I am interested enough to try them again. I want to make bento for myself, and BJ if he would be willing to eat it (might think the whole thing is just silly), and I want to practice making lunch cute! Why would I want to practice, you might ask? Well, with BJ and I getting married, we're having random discussions like, how do you want our future children to be raised? BJ and I both agree we do not want them to have picky eating habits like I did. So the idea of arranging bento for our future children is really a fun idea. So, I've got to practice. I'd rather experiment on myself than my future hapless child. And BJ will make an excellent vict...guinea pig. I've been doing a lot of research and hopefully today BJ and I are going to go to some of the Asian markets so I can pick up some sticky rice, quail eggs, and hopefully some bento stuff.
I like this one...

but I would rather buy one from a store than wait for international shipping from ebay. Thus we must investigate the asian markets here in Atlanta and see how it goes.
Another part of life that demands a great deal of my attention involves *insert fanfare* the wedding. BJ and I are chasing down the various folks who didn't remember to RSVP. About half our guest list is unable to attend. Which, I totally understand, gas prices are terrible and plane tickets are expensive and some people can't get away from work. So BJ and I will probably end up with about 45-ish people there, and we're still happy with the size so it works well for us. And then I'm realizing that people need to me to make hotel reservations, or find them somewhere to squeeze in at the hiker hostel, which is also fine, but there is a limited amount of space, so it's hard to decide who gets to be there and who has to stay elsewhere and figuring out how to say that without hurting anyone's feelings, hence STRESS. But, BJ keeps me calm, and Mary is a big help too. Our Maids of Honor and Best Men are really being supportive and offering to help out, which I love. #1 tip for brides, take deep breaths often, and watch some cartoons, or anime. And please, don't go smashing Tokyo.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Dinosaurs are living above me

I believe that dinosaurs are alive and well in Norcross, Georgia, and I think they live upstairs. I know it may seem a little whiny of me, but I spent almost a year in a single story apartment. Being back in a 2 floor building requires adjustment, and I am not liking the change. I do not understand why they feel the need to stop repeatedly on the floor. Either they are doing very sporadic step aerobics, or the people who live above me are the t-rex family from Jurassic park.
No news on the job front, still sending out applications, but it seems more difficult to find a job after you have a four year degree than before. No one minds hiring a college student, but no one wants a college graduate. Who thought going to college gave you a leg up in the career field? I had this problem after I first graduated too. I couldn't find a professional career in the area for a couple months, nor could I get just a plain old job, at blockbuster. Blech
Excuse me please, I'm going to go get another coke out of the fridge and go have a pity party.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Hold your breath folks, it's time for an update

First of all...Sorry!! BJ and I finally settled into our nice little apartment almost two weeks ago, and we only just got the internet...yesterday. After much time spent on the phone pleading, and complaining, we finally got the internet installed. I find it interesting that there is legislature in place to prevent businesses from obtaining a monopoly, yet service oriented businesses, like say, the internet, are able to monopolize all they want! Comcast is the only cable internet provider that offers service for our apartment. After several company failures to install our service, we fired them and tried to get DSL through AT&T. Despite what the website and our initial service consultant told us though, it seems that AT&T does not send DSL signal to our apartment complex, and neither does Verizon FIOS. So yes, we had to go crawling back to comcast. I understand why that 75-year old woman busted up her local comcast office. In any event, we talked to a manager, who miraculously understood that we did not want to wait until August 21st to get our internet installed, and got someone to us, the next day. Whoever said the squeaky wheel gets the grease wasn't lying. As someone who has worked in the customer service industry, I cannot comprehend the kind of people they have there who when you say, cancel my account, do nothing to try and convince you otherwise. And if it takes almost a month to get service installed, imagine how long it would take to get a repair person to come out. This is me crossing my fingers in hopes that it will never come to that, e v e r. So hopefully, now that I have somewhat regular internet, I will be able to blog regularly again. And as I no longer play World of Warcraft, I imagine a great deal more free time will be coming my way. Maybe I'll do something cool, like learn German...yeah, that's be very cool.
Auf wiedersehen
! (means Goodbye)

Saturday, July 19, 2008

A person of many interests

I have come to realize I have a certain quirk about my personality, which makes it somewhat difficult when I try to make choices. As the wedding approaches I find myself considering what new milestones I may pass as my life matures along with BJ's; like the possibility, even the likelihood of....*gasp* owning a house! For anyone who hasn't been paying attention, the real estate market is currently in a low point. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, two of the largest morgate brokerage firms in the country, are in dire financial straits. They bundle mortgages with other stocks and then sell the packages to investors. However, because they are big, awesome, well established companies, they even insure the mortgage, meaning if the homeowner should default on their loan and go into foreclosure, these loan companies reclaim the property, and pay the loan amount to the investor holding the package. Due to all the foreclosures in recent history, these mortgage firms are suffering big time. The good side to this? People can get houses on short sales for much cheaper than they could even a year ago. I'm talking tens of thousands of dollars here. The bad side? If these companies lose control of what's happening, buyers will find it difficult to obtain mortgages, which would essentially freeze the real estate market. Now that part, would suck, a lot. But, the fact that homes are cheaper is very good for potential buyers. So, I find myself wondering, what kind of house do I want? What kind of furniture do I want? How big a house do I want? You may wonder, what about BJ? Our taste is similar enough that as long as it isn't too "froufy" we'll both be happy. So, the kind of house I would like, Craftsman!!!! I've been looking at architectural books and magazines and I am in love with the arts and crafts/ craftsman style. Too bad for me that most houses in this style would be a major rehab process due to owner neglect; or a really nice one, would still have a really big price tag. This led me to read a nice little book, "Building your dream home for dummies." I'm learning about appraisals, and the permitting process and purchasing a lot versus purchasing land and all the rules and regulations that can go into this process. It could take some serious time, but finding a decent lot for a decent price at this point wouldn't be all that difficult. And if you're smart about the fixtures you choose, the square footage you pick, and shopping for the right contractor, and how much space you really need in a home; building your own home can cost about the same as buying one. Granted there are more hoops to jump through, more steps to take, and it can definitely be a longer wait, but considering you could move into exactly the home you want, built for you under your instructions, would just be amazing. Yes, I know, I was FAR too much HGTV for my own good. : ) But really, how else am I going to get a 3bd, 2 bath craftsman style house with a double garage, a workshop, art deco furnishings and a double slipper Victorian tub? I know right? Sometimes you just have to do it yourself.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Packing and packing and more packing

BJ and I are off on our move away from Tampa, Florida. We are currently visiting a friend who lives oh so convienintly at the half way point in our drive. Yesterday, we packed the bulk of our worldly belongings into the front of an 18 wheeler, and sent them on their way to our destination. Out of all the times I've moved, I think this is going to be the easiest. and the cheapest. We reserved trailer space through, and it was very financially sound. We rented 8 feet in an 8ft wide trailer, with a 9 ft high ceiling. for less than $400. I wish I had thought of this before! My friend Mary and I were chatting on the phone and we started thinking about what it would look like if I got a US map and started putting pins in the places where I have lived. We realized that I have lived in a lot of places, sometimes I feel like a gypsy, and started talking about which states on the eastern seaboard I haven't lived in. Let me tell you the list was rather short. I aslo realized I would have to add a map of Europe so I could put a pin in Germany too. : )
I must apologize to those of you who read my blog. I have been so busy turning in and working my last two weeks at work, and then with all the packing and the boxes and the stuff, I just haven't felt like sitting down to type. Sorry! BJ and I decided that World of Warcraft was eating up too much of our time...We cancelled our subscriptions. *gasp* I know I am going to miss my characters. Maybe someday I will start playing again, but in the meantime I think I will enjoy some of my older hobbies, like reading and watching movies.
And now the hunt is on. With BJ and I nearing our destination, we must journey into the foray of hunting for employment. I have an up and coming interview that must be scheduled with a rather amazing company. *fingers crossed.

Monday, June 23, 2008

It fits! It fits! The shoe totally fits!

I just got back from my trip to see Brittney today, and we had such a nice visit! We played putt putt, billiards, ate funny new york foods. We went to an apple orchard where I had the most amazing caramel apple nut pie with ice cream on top. *drool. Oh, and what else did we do on this sojourn of fun? We tried on my wedding dress. Oh yes, the dress. It's just in the plain white muslin mock up, and I can already tell it's going to be gorgeous. Brittney walked around pinning and drawing lines and ripping seams and repinning, it was a lot of work on her part. I just stood there and looked pretty. I like my job. Now the pictures I am posting are just mock up photos. There is a whole 'nother layer to the dress and sleeves and stuff that are not made yet. Brittney's doing such a wonderful job. She sent BJ and I the information of what measurements she needed. Now, don't get us wrong, BJ and I do measure things very well, you know, when they are nice and flat or made of wood. So Brittney had to eyeball the "measurements" we gave her and try to figure out what it should look like. I am proud to say she was very successful.

Look Look! It has a cute little sweep train in the back too! I love the color accent with the red, and there is going to be more of that. I could not possibly be happier with the way this dress is turning out. And, Brittney has been able to accept my request to be part of my bridal party, so now I have two bridesmaids! Woot! Well, maids of honor!
I'm very happy! Not just with the dress, but with the way that everything is coming together for the wedding. And, of course, with my wonderful groom. : ) Ciao!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

If the shoe fits

I am so excited about my upcoming weekend. I am working hardcore so that I will have this coming saturday, sunday, monday and tuesday. I am going to New York!!! I fly into Albany, turn on my GPS, and drive off to visit my friend Brittney for a couple days of fun, and THE dress fitting. Brittney is so immensely talented, I know it's just going to be gorgeous, and I can't wait to try it on!!!! I have the almost all my undergarments, bustier, nylons, and body shaper, oh my! The bustier was a choice find, in my size, and I know it will stand up under pressure. The first one I ordered was a wee bit too small, but I sent it back to the company and they are replacing it with a better fit, for no extra charge. I even explained to them that I needed it for my dress fitting, and it's being sent to me FedEx Express! How cool is that!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Holy Appointements Batman!

Please forgive any typos you may see; we just got back from the eye doctor a little while ago and my eyes are still a weeeee bit dilated. They had this crazy machine that would take pictures of your eye, from the BACK of your eyeball, it was weird. And BJ and I picked out new glasses. The ones I got are black metal and super cute. BJ keeps telling me they are artsy looking, like I should suddenly be a costume designer. : ) We had a dental appointment yesterday that I was going to blog about, but I was sleepy and took a nap instead. I had a cavity that had to be filled, and it was on the bottom row of teeth. The dentist takes this metal syringe and sticks it inside me jaw on top of the nerve. Now I know what those bugs feel like when they fly too close to a bug zapper. I felt like I was getting shocked. The dentist told me it was because he was right on top of the nerve, and had to make sure to get the numbing stuff down in there really well. I was the unlucky one, because one shot was not enough. I had to have two. This was actually my second visit to the dentist. I had just had a cleaning, exam, and 50 bajillion x-rays the week before. I was impressed how extensive it all was, and the dentist was really good at what he was doing. Thank God for my benefits package. BJ has to go back a couple more times for fillings. He had 3 cavities. I think, being 25 years old with only 2 cavities ever, is a pretty good track record. GO ME! In the meantime, I think I'll go play a little more World of Warcraft. BJ and I have been getting some really amazing gear for our main characters, and my little druid is healing up a storm. Too bad for us the expansion is going to set the level cap at 80, and we'll just have to do all this stuff over again. *sigh

Friday, June 6, 2008

So much excitement!!

BJ and I went to Best Buy a couple of days ago to look at some electronics. We had a pretty good idea of what we wanted, and I knew what was a good buy from reading the sale paper. Ever since I got my economic stimulus check, I have wanted a GPS. It seemed like a worthwhile enough item to purchase, and anyone who knows me also knows how easy it is for me to get misdirected and not know where I ended up. There were a lot of different models to choose from, and I just didn't know what to do. We looked at internet reports, at websites with ratings of different GPS units, and such. It wasn't until one of the nice guys from work brought it in for me to see, and it was amazing. He owned a Garmin Nuvi 200, and I thought it was just really cool. He let me push the buttons and navigate with it, and I have to say, I was hooked. Best Buy had a sale on the Garmin 200W, just like John's 200 but with a wide screen, and the Garmin 260 was only $30 more. I looked at the features and hemmed and hawwed about which one to get. The 260 would say the street names, but I really wanted the wide screen because I could see everything sooooo much better. You might ask why I didn't get the 260W? It wasn't on sale; and I didn't want to spend an extra $150 to get it to tell me the street name when it was clearly written on the GPS screen. I got the 200w and I was sooooo happy with it. BJ opened it for me once we got to the car and I started it up. It came with a nearly full battery and only took 2 - 3 minutes to find the sattelite. Then, our new Nuvi navigated us home. It's got a really good system for navigation, a clear voice speaking when and where to turn, and you can search for nearby stores by type! I think this little GPS is really going to come in handy on my future trips.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Prepare gushing ahead!

I am getting more and more excited about the upcoming wedding!!!! I wanted you all to see my way cool cake topper, it has a couple of pewter dragons making a heart as they kiss. And, we have it engraved with our married names and the date of the wedding. I really like looking at wedding magazines to see what other people are doing for their wedding decorations, it's just so pretty! The only part of the whole wedding planning process that I am struggling with is the music for the reception. I have the ceremony all done, and now I just have to find enough good, and wedding friendly songs to play as background noise. Wish me luck! And feel free to drop a suggestion or two...or 10, yeah 10 would be good...