Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Snow Queen!

My apologies at my recent lack of posting and stuff. I got a call a couple of days ago asking if I might be interested in designing and building the PUPPETS for the Snow Queen to be put on by a theatre here in Atlanta. My response...OH YEAH!!! So I have been feverishly doodling and watching youtube videos and googling research. I love it. I am building a very realistic crow, 4 pigeons, and 1 reindeer head piece that will be kind of like a sculpture. You know what this means, right? My blog will be consumed by all things puppety and snow queenie and stuff! I am very excited and very happy to be doing this project. Stay tuned for process shots. I still have to be buying materials, but as soon as I get them, WATCH OUT! Cause there will be puppets invading your movie screen. WOO!!!

1 comment:

BrittneyK said...

Amazing! Congratulations! What, you mean you're actually using your degree?