Friday, September 5, 2008

Curses on Nickelodeon too!

I've been watching this show, Avatar the last airbender. It's on Nickelodeon and I'm not entirely sure if Nickelodeon makes it or if they bought it from an anime company. The episodes are on Nickelodeon, and it's a really freaking good show! SPOILER ALERT! So Apa, the flying byson, gets separated from Ang, the avatar. I'm feeling for the avatar who has lost his companion pet, and it made me really freaking sad. Then they had an episode of what happened to Apa while they were apart was really intense. I teared up, I know I'm a sap when it comes to sad stuff, but I just couldn't help it. The older I get the more sentimental I become about sad things. I used to not cry at all. I watched Lion King in movie theaters as a kid, not even a sniffle when Mufasa died. Myabe it's because the older I get the more experiences I can relate to personally. No, I have never had a flying bison get kidnapped by sand bandits, but who can't relate to the loss of a pet, or a loved one for that matter. This is a very poignant show, especially for a cartoon. I miss having pets, but pets just aren't all that suited to apartment life. Oh well, back to more Avatar. Eventually they'll find Apa, I'm sure of it. How many tissues I'll burn through in the meantime is another matter completely.

1 comment:

Jade said...

I've noticed that too, I'm much more easily affected by emotional things. I tear up at the weirdest stuff on tv...