Sunday, September 14, 2008

Oh, Indecision, release me from thy bonds!

Dramatic posting title, I know! But I am feeling dramatic, so I feel it suits my purposes. I love foreign languages. I love english, I love books. I love to read. The thought of reading books in other languages, especially the really poetic ones, makes me tremble with barely suppressed delight. Here then is the problem.
I used to be good at Spanish. I mean really really good. I could walk by hispanic people at the store and completely understand what they were talking about. This was at least 4 or so years ago. Now I don't know that I can really put together much of a sentence.
I love German. I lived in Germany as a little girl for four years with my parents, and when I hear German spoken to me, a lot of the time I can kind of figure out what is being said. I really liked a lot of the trips we took in Germany and would someday like to go back. The classes I took in German longsword were amazing, and mostly taken from the really really old GERMAN texts by the swordmasters.
I really like Japanese. I love manga and watching anime, and the fact that I could get japanese manga and understand what is going on is just mind boggling. One of my best gal pals is currently teaching herself Japanese, so how convenient would it be to try and learn at the same time, bouncing things off one another? I want to be able to write kanji in a notebook because I think they are beautiful, and should I get the option to learn Japanese calligraphy, that would just be sweet.
I love opera. The sweeping arias, the throaty baritones, the music filling the space in my head and heart as romantic tragedies befall our heroes. Many operas are written in Italian. One of my favorite foreign films, Life is Beautiful, in Italian. Do you see where I am going with this?
So the question I relearn Spanish? What do I learn after that? Can I handle knowing multiple languages? Am I just wasting time? Will I ever get a nintendo ds lite in electric blue...*sigh
I think the game systems that UBIsoft is coming out with are brilliant. My spanish coach, my japanese coach, my word coach, my sat coach (not that I need that particular one.) I want a ds, bad. I want some of these awesome coach games but they don't have a lot of selection yet. The titles currently or soon to be available cover, English, Japanese, Chinese (Mandarin), Spanish, and French. I keep hoping they will make German and Italian coaches, but I still have that quandry of what to learn first. HELP!!! Comment on what you think! German, Spanish, Japanese, Italian?

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