Sunday, December 28, 2008

Merry Christmas and Happy New year's resolutions!!!

Welcome back to my blog and a very merry Christmas to you all. I had an excellent holiday, with my most exciting present of a lovely red nintendo ds lite. It's all mine!!! *evil laugh. With additional gifts, like an awesome carrying case, and a totally sweet game, My Japanese Coach, and I having a great time with my Christmas presents. This pic was taken at my parents' home when we visited them a couple weeks before the holiday. Aren't we cute? I've been following my friend's blog and wondered to myself, "Why is her blog so much cooler than mine?" Thus I am becoming more involved with the options presented by blogger and experimenting with a few things. The pic at the top of the page is of my husband...well, his hands, on our wedding day. I gave him a pocket watch as a happy wedding present. The back of it was engraved, "For my love, on our wedding day." He likes it a lot. And I love the awesome picture that was taken of it. It's like art!
As the new year approaches, I feel like making a resolution. No, I will not do the I resolve myself to accomplish all the things I've always wanted to do just to crash and burn in a couple weeks from overexerting myself. I would like to make a different resolution. I would like to remember everyone I care about on their birthday, and I need your help. If you think I should need to remember the date, and chances are very high that I do, shoot me an email with the day and month of your birth. If all goes according to plan, this can become a habit and I can feel good knowing I remembered people on their birthdays. Wish me luck! I'm going to go play my ds now, it looks lonely.

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