Monday, August 11, 2008

Hold your breath folks, it's time for an update

First of all...Sorry!! BJ and I finally settled into our nice little apartment almost two weeks ago, and we only just got the internet...yesterday. After much time spent on the phone pleading, and complaining, we finally got the internet installed. I find it interesting that there is legislature in place to prevent businesses from obtaining a monopoly, yet service oriented businesses, like say, the internet, are able to monopolize all they want! Comcast is the only cable internet provider that offers service for our apartment. After several company failures to install our service, we fired them and tried to get DSL through AT&T. Despite what the website and our initial service consultant told us though, it seems that AT&T does not send DSL signal to our apartment complex, and neither does Verizon FIOS. So yes, we had to go crawling back to comcast. I understand why that 75-year old woman busted up her local comcast office. In any event, we talked to a manager, who miraculously understood that we did not want to wait until August 21st to get our internet installed, and got someone to us, the next day. Whoever said the squeaky wheel gets the grease wasn't lying. As someone who has worked in the customer service industry, I cannot comprehend the kind of people they have there who when you say, cancel my account, do nothing to try and convince you otherwise. And if it takes almost a month to get service installed, imagine how long it would take to get a repair person to come out. This is me crossing my fingers in hopes that it will never come to that, e v e r. So hopefully, now that I have somewhat regular internet, I will be able to blog regularly again. And as I no longer play World of Warcraft, I imagine a great deal more free time will be coming my way. Maybe I'll do something cool, like learn German...yeah, that's be very cool.
Auf wiedersehen
! (means Goodbye)


Mary said...

Ack a post! *faints

Woot! May the blogging begin again anew, can't wait to read it.

Jade said...

I was starting to wonder if you had died!

I always wonder how cable companies seem to be the loophole on the monopoly board.

Now we need pictures of the new place =D