Sunday, October 26, 2008

Picture of awesome!

I loved seeing this picture. It made my day!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Mental Meltdown

AHHHHHHHHH!!! It is a week and two days until BJ and I get married. I'm tearing around, cleaning in preparation of visitors, finishing last minute details, attempting to corral my florist, and making sure everyone get paid, and BJ is a marvelous help. I am so happy and so proud of the man I am going to marry. *happy contented sigh... And I am losing all processes of cognitive thought. Please forgive!!!! I must go do something weddingish...or possibly play with a puzzle, whichever happens first.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Mmmm cardboard cereal

Ta da!! New Post! I have this cereal, Heart to Heart by Kashi, and I think it's awesome. It has fiber to help reduce cholesterol, it has antioxidants to help support healthy arteries, it has nothing artificial, and low sodium to promote healthy blood pressure, and it's made with both green and white tea extracts. It's a cruncy cereal, very lightly sweetened, and I will often chow down on a bowl as a tasty snack. At $3 for a 12 oz box, it's kind of expensive for daily chow dowingness. I really like the subtlety of the flavor, and I tried to share this tasty cereal with my friend Mary. She promptly informed me it tasted like cardboard. I say, yum yum cardboard! Kix is another one of those cereals with a certain cardboardy taste and just a little sugar, and I like that one too. If it had any nutritional benefit, maybe I could eat cardboard. In the meantime though, I'm going to stick with my tasty cereal. I love my kashi. *Hugging the box

Monday, October 6, 2008


I present to you, flashback of the day!!! I found seasons 1-3 and I am so excited. I always liked Gummi Bears when I was a little kid. Not to sound like an old lady, but I always liked the stories of the old cartoons. Gargoyles, Gummi Bears, Tail Spin, even Rainbow Bright followed a progressive story line. A lot of cartoons now seem to have stand alone episodes, which is good if you miss a day, but it also is easy to lose interest. Oh the good old days... LOL

Sunday, October 5, 2008

How to bond with a 10 year old

BJ has been really really busy over at the Halloween store, and we both felt like Eric needed to get his hair trimmed sooner rather than later. So, on Saturday I went over and picked Eric up and took him to have his hair cut. After promising that I would not let the lady cut off all his hair, which I had to promise many times, he allowed his hair to be cut. She took off an inch or two and put in some layers, so now he has a nice, skater boy look rather than the mullet he was trying to grow out earlier. I can tell he's happy with it. As a reward we went to Chik-fil-a for lunch, yum! I have always found it harder to talk to a kid who is a little shy. The conversation feels forced. The usual, "how was school?" get the usual shrug. But this time, I was feeling inspired. I asked him what he did in gym class. He looked at me for a second, like this was an extremely odd topic of conversation and told me he did a lot of running. I told him about my favorite times in gym when I was a kid, playing with the giant parachute on rainy days when we had to stay inside, and suddenly he was really engaged in conversation. He was asking questions, he was answering in full sentences and expanding on answers, it was awesome. We came home and played Wii Sports. I whipped him at baseball and then he won golf, tennis...boxing...well, you get the idea. We had a really good time together. Then we watched I am Legend, awesome movie that it is. He liked it, but some of the more subtle things he didn't understand, and he wasn't afraid to ask me. Then we watched IRON MAN, which is, of course, an awesome, awesome movie. I love it!!! I had a really good weekend. I am mostly over my cold, and I got some good bonding time with my soon to be brother in law. Oh, and the hairdresser, totally thought I was Eric's mom. We both thought that was funny.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Stuff to do...lots of stuff to do!!!

Ah Wednesday, my favorite day of the week. Tonight there will be a new episode of Bones and I will be happy for a little while until I am waiting and wishing for next Wednesday. I used to look forward to Monday when House came on on Mondays, but now House is on Tuesday along with Eureka, which has decided to take a mid season break...I am very unhappy about the midseason break. Eureka is in season number 3, and for those of you that don't watch Eureka, start with the pilot in season 1 and work your way up. It's a great show. My to do list is piling up. I have a lot of errands to go run today, like ordering the wedding cake, and cookies, get my florist on the phone, which might be difficult. She has not emailed, called, returned any of my calls or messages, or answered the phone, in a couple of months. Now that we are OFFICIALLY ONE MONTH FROM THE WEDDING...I'm a little concerned. While it would be disappointing to go to a grocery store and build my own bouquet from their selection of flowers, I am not afraid to do it. I just wish she would freaking answer the phone and stop stressing me out! *deep breath... I feel kinda like static cling cat.
Hee hee hee, statik kling cat... BJ has recently picked up a seasonal job working in a Halloween store. He started off just as a regular sales associate, and while helping set up a store in Roswell, was promoted to first assistant manager. Now the store manager has a family emergency, and BJ has been put in charge of the store by the district manager until the store manager is able to come back to work. And this is his very first job in retail...I'm so proud. I am not, however, a big fan of his having to be at work at 8am, because that means he has to get up at 7am, and for some reason I have been finding it impossible to go back to sleep after he leaves for work. I frequently call him just after his truck pulls away from the apartment and we chat on his drive to work. Today, I closed my eyes after I got my goodbye kiss, and when I opened them again, it was almost 8am. I had finally gone back to sleep!!! So I called BJ, because it wasn't yet 8 o'clock, and we talked while he walked around the store looking at the merchandise he still needed to unpack. He was the first one there this morning. And he says, "hm, that was either a rat or a squirrel..." and I go "What??" He saw something small and furry dash behind a pile of boxes and wasn't sure if it was a rat or a squirrel. He said he thought it had a squirrel tail, but he wasn't entirely sure. Brave and valiant man he is, he decided to investigate. It turned out to be a very small, and very frightened baby squirrel. I'd be scared too if I had gotten locked in a Halloween store overnight. They have to leave the doors to the store open while they are working on account of there is no air conditioning...Ewww. BJ tried to steer it toward the open doors, but it was just running back and forth trying to evade the giant man thing chasing it. He left it to find it's way out, and I suggested he warn the other girls working with him of the newest employee. Hee hee. So, it's 8:37 where I am. I am a little sluggish but not enough to go back to bed, and there's stuff to do!! I'm late, I'm late, for a very important date. No time to say hello, goodbye! I'm late, I'm late, I'm late!