Saturday, January 17, 2009

This may sound odd but,...mmm, fermentation

Although the word fermentation used to bring a certain past roommate's hockey bag to mind, I'm reassessing how I feel about the term. Although I am not a big wine person, fermentation is the process by which many fine drinks are created. Also, the growing of yeast in delicious bread dough is considered a fermentation process. And today, yes, today, I have a new thing for fermentation. Sitting on a warm heating pad was a pot of milk and active cultures, and I have made plain YOGURT!!! Although I have yet to taste it, the thought of slurping up hot, tart yogurt is not high on my list of favorite things, it smells delicious!! Updates will come after eating said yogurt to see if this will be a process worth repeating. I certainly hope so. I've got about 8 cups of the stuff cooling off in the fridge. Made from scratch cooks unite!!!!

1 comment:

Mary said...

Fermenting might be considered a strong word, ne? OOooo Yogurt! Dude that is awesome! Wohooo!

(Excellent use of changing the topic, woot!)