Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Hello Iron Man, goodbye Socks

BJ and I watched IRON MAN yesterday in theatres, and it was just fantastic. We even stayed through the end of the credits and saw the little cut scene. I was a wee bit mystified, mostly because I know little to nothing about the Avengers, so we'll see what comes from that. I loved the movie, it was so good. After it ended, I just wanted to watch it again. The animation for the suits and the robots was so well done. There was a lot of great humor thrown in too; it was a joy to watch. The only issue I had with the movie was on a personal level. Stark's partner, Obadiah was played by an actor whom I know very well, he's very recognizable. The issue I had was, I know his face is not shaped that way. There must have been some prosthetic makeup added under his chin and it just looked really odd. Now if it had been a less recognizable actor, I probably would not have had an issue with it. It's funny that our perceptions of people who work in films can alter the way we look at them in new roles. I saw in the credits that there were even exciting is that. I don't know what they did in the movie, maybe they were the robots in the lab. In any event, if you have yet to see Iron Man, go watch it, if you have seen it, go watch it again. It was so good it knocked my socks off.

1 comment:

Jade said...

I can't WAIT for it to be out on DVD. It will be re-watched, many times over!

I also noticed Jeff looked off, I'm glad you pointed out that it was the chin, 'cause I couldn't pinpoint it!

It took me about half the movie, though, to figure out that the voice of Jarvis wasn't Jude Law--It was Paul Bettany...I love them both though!