Tuesday, May 27, 2008

System Maintenance of DOOOOOOM

Happy Tuesday to one and all. For us players of World of Warcraft, Tuesday is quite the infamous day. Before Tuesday never meant all that much to me. It is neither the beginning of the week, nor is it the middle on the way toward the weekend. However, since I started playing WOW, it has taken on new meaning. World of Warcraft is a very involved and detailed game, and to keep it running, it has to have scheduled downtime for system maintenance. And that scheduled time comes once a week; every single Tuesday. Normally this would not have been an issues. The start in the wee hours of Tuesday morning and work through until the afternoon, usually finishing around lunchtime, and it would be all set to go once I got home. Here lately though, BJ and I have been getting the same days off scheduled, and for whatever reason, we get Tuesday off. So we get to hang out for most of the day, watching tv or otherwise entertaining ourselves, instead of playing WOW. : [ Oh well, BJ and I are going to go watch Ironman today, so that will be fun. Happy Tuesday All.

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