Thursday, May 22, 2008

Oh the cuteness

So I was doing my usual work thing like I do most days. I was closing tonight, shutting down all the venues and such. One of the great things about the company I work for is the fantastic animal displays; they even have certain animals that just roam the park at their leisure. So I saw the albino female peahen when I was closing up, all white and very pretty. And she had a little baby chick following her around, and it was just so cuuuuute. Apparently she hatched four of them, but now she just has the one left. It made me wonder what kind of competition she was dealing with in a theme park. All the dangerous carnivores are in their enclosures, and then I figured it must be the natural predators. We've got some pretty big lizards that roam the back areas, and a few stray cats that can wander into the property, and snakes....icky.
So does everyone remember the photo of the shark and the helicopter that came out a while back? I was telling some people about how scary a pic it is even though it's fake. Ryan and Jade then assured me it was genuine, but I did some internet sleuthing. It is indeed a fake, and I can sleep a little easier.

One thing to know about me, if you already don't know, I am absolutely, unreasonably petrified of sharks. I will get scared in a swimming pool if I am by myself, thinking there is a shark about to eat me. I blame my sister who once told me, at the tender age of 10 or so, that sharks come out of the pool drain in the hotels and eat any guests who try to swim later than they should. Yeah you know who you are, don't ask me why I believed her, the all knowing sister at the wise age of 13, staring down the face of teenhood. Maybe it's the fact that pools are creepy when you are by yourself, and you can't wear your glasses while swimming, and really, who doesn't think the pool drain is sketchy? So, me with my unreasonable fear of sharks, you probably think I avoid them right? WRONG. I love to watch shark week. Those 3d underwater movies in IMAX scare the crap outta me whenever a shark shows up. I know a lot of information about an object that makes me deathly afraid. I guess it's the same logic people apply to scary movies. You just can't stop watching them because some part of you wants to be afraid. You want to get the poo scared out of you, all the while knowing the person on the screen feels the same way. In real life one might wonder why we turn to fictional horrors as a source of entertainment, when there are plenty of non-fiction ones available. I say, we like to be scared by unreasonable things, because then you can say, that will never ever ever happen, once it's over at least. Me? I like scary movies, but my favorite way of being terrified? I go buy a ticket to an aquarium, and stand in front of the shark tank.

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